
Subway ride

July 6, 1972

After cashing the insurance check I decided to do something different. I took the subway! It is quiet and quick and something I will probably never forget. It took me 2 different subway routes and two buses to get back, but it was fun. I saw a lot of the city, both industrial and residential.

The check I received covered 3 days motel stay (3 x 17.88) and 9 days car rental at $8 per day, and $3.25 for my prescription, plus $12 for my taxi fare.Anyhow, it totaled around $154, and was NOT a complete settlement of my claim. I used a bit of the settlement money to purchase this Canadian coin set.

At Avis I learned we couldn't get a car until Friday, so that is why I decided to take the Metro. So we have to pay for another night at the Motel.

This is my photo of artwork inside the Metro.

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